It is about a big white shark that attacks swimmers who are spending their holidays in a small village by the sea. 可能是一条大白鲨鱼吸引了那些在海边的一座小村庄度假的游泳的人们。
Arnold Pointer a professional fisherman from south of Australia set free from a certain death a big female White Shark that was caught in his fishing nets. ArnoldPointer是一位来自南澳大利亚的职业渔夫,他曾经将一只落入渔网的雌性大白鲨放生。
The great white shark has to keep moving or it dies. 游弋的大白鲨必须保持运动状态,否则它就会死亡。
That's more than three times the size of the formidable great white shark. 那是可怕的大白鲨体形的三倍还要多。
Parts of this book are best read with a bowl of popcorn: looking into the jaws of a great white shark in search of the meaning of death; 部分本书是最好的阅读一碗爆米花:探讨颌骨的大白鲨在搜索的含义死亡;
It's said that one of the most dangerous sharks is the great white shark. 据说大白鲨是最危险的鲨鱼之一。
A surfer says he reacted on instinct when he punched a great white shark that grabbed his leg near the northern Oregon coast. 美国一位冲浪者近日在俄勒冈州北部海岸附近冲浪时赤手空拳成功从“鲨口逃生”。
If you do the maths, given the amount of insider-trading, the chances of doing prison time are roughly the same as getting bitten by a great white shark while surfing off the coast of my hometown, San Diego. 计算一下就会发现,鉴于内幕交易数量之庞大,坐牢的几率几乎与在我老家圣地亚哥的海边冲浪时被大白鲨咬住的几率一样。
Swim with dolphins and face an attack by the most dangerous creature in the sea-the great white shark! 和大鱿鱼们一起游泳!直接面对海洋中最具杀伤力的杀手??大白鲨!
Zhedong white goose is a kind of very special animal, it never get cancer, there is only two kinds of animal which never get cancer in the world, the another is shark. 浙东白鹅是一种非常特殊的动物,它从不得癌症。在世界上只有两种动物从不得癌症,另外一种是鲨鱼。
Fisheries are mainly tilapia, crab, soft-shelled turtle, quality carp, white butterfish, white shark, fish, catfish, the United States to fish, Macrobrachium nipponense, eel, loach, such as mussels. 水产主要有罗非鱼、河蟹、甲鱼、优质鲫鱼、白鲳、白鲨、黑鱼、鲶鱼、美国回鱼、青虾、鳝鱼、泥鳅、蚌类等。
In cold-water regions, the most famous denizen is the white shark, which is famous for patrolling the temperate coasts of south Australia, South Africa and the west coast of North America. 在冷水区域,最著名的海生物是白鲨,它也是南澳州、南非、北美西部海湾区域游戈的著名生物。
For example, the great white shark moves through water with fearsome grace, thanks to 400m years of natural selection. 例如,大白鲨以令人生畏的优雅在水中穿行,这得益于4亿年的自然选择。
I discovered I scream the same way whether I'm about to be devoured by a great white shark or if a piece of seaweed touches my foot. 我发现无论是一只大白鲨咬着我不放,还是我的脚不小心触碰到海藻,我都会以同样的声调尖叫。
The white shark flag was raised and the siren set off. 同时升起了白鲨旗并按响了报警器。
The aquarium, however, said it will try to find another young great white shark for the exhibit later this year. 但是这个水族馆说,在今年晚些时候它将试图再去找一条年轻的大白鲨来做展览之用。